القائمة الرئيسية


I learned from the Messenger of Allah Muhammad (the mercy)

I learned from the Messenger of Allah Muhammad(the  mercy)

In the name of God

In a collection of articles we will mention some of the morals taught to us by our apostle Prayer of God upon Him and begin  with   mercy

prophet  peace be upon him said: "Those who are merciful to people, God is merciful to them.""الراحمون يرحمهم الرحمن "

God said :"because of your mercy  which God give you they loved you and follow you"فبما رحمة من الله لنت لهم "

The apostle was sympathetic to the young and old and merciful to the weak, even the animal was merciful  to him.

  • One day the Messenger of Allah saw a man with camel. The camel came to the Messenger of Allah and  approached him. The man made the camel carry a lot of things. The Messenger told him that this camel complains to me that you  harmful  it too much and prophet told man not to do this again

  • One day, the apostle saw a girl  crying on the way and said, "Why are you crying?" she said :: Sir sent me to buy him something, but I lost money and I was afraid he would punish me  The apostle gave her Money. The daughter said that I was late, and I was afraid he would punish me. He went to her home to tell  the sir  of her not to punish her.

  • When the Messenger of Allah was  praying  with  people and hear  a child crying, he was  praying  quickly so that the mother of the child praying behind the Messenger of Allah could carry her child and not let him cry

  • One day, the apostle was sitting on the side of the road and saw a funeral crossing the road. The funeral was for a Jewish man. The Messenger of Allah cried. His friends asked him: Why are you crying? He is Jewish, not Muslim. prophet said :"human that I cannot help him to protect him from fire 

  •  the Messenger of Allah when he was  praying and his grandchildren(Hassan and Hussein) coming to him   and  stood on his back he  was prolonging  in Al-Sujud so that he would not hurt them and even let them play

peace be upon our prophet   the prophet of mercy

We mention in the next article one of the qualities of our generous prophet that taught us so follow us
