القائمة الرئيسية


 Who are the prophets and what is their job?

Prophets are worshippers of God and they are human beings created by God and

devoted to knowing people their creator and teaching people the way of truth and how to worship God

Among them are those sent by God to their parents and their people only and those sent by God to all mankind as Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

Prophets are human beings who eat, drink, sleep, marry, but are infallible in the act of denier and evil.

It is the function of the prophets to know humans on their Creator and teach them how to worship him on his light.

God gave them miracles to confirm the sincerity of their message.

Every messenger is a prophet and not every prophet is the messenger . The messenger is the one sent by Allah with a message and a new legitimacy, but the prophet comes down with a revelation to invite me to worship Allah, but in a previous curriculum he came down to the messenger before

All Messengers and Prophets Call Human Beings to Worship God Alone No Partner

God says in the Quran "وما أرسلنا من رسول ولا نبي إلا نوحي إليه أنه لا إله إلا أنا فاعبدون"

The Muslim believes in all prophets and apostles and that Muhammad peace be upon him is the last prophet and apostles.

Follow us, God willing to speak in the forthcoming article about the good of mankind, the last prophets, and those who God sent mercy to creatures Muhammad peace be upon him.
